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Planning and Building for the Kingdom 

Jul 3, 2024Field Updates

Home » ABWE Canada Blog » Field Updates » Planning and Building for the Kingdom 

Martin, a Togolese Muslim, stands out from his neighbors for one reason—he has a good education. 

In addition to his labor farming his land on the outskirts of Mango, a small city in the savannah region of northern Togo, Martin’s education affords him opportunities to teach French and work as a translator. I was introduced to Martin when he was hired as my translator for the construction of the second floor of Hope Radio, ABWE’s ministry broadcasting gospel-centered teaching and music to unreached towns and villages throughout northern Togo. Hope Radio was bursting at the seams in a single-level building.  

Over the next three months, Martin and I worked side by side supervising workers to construct a much-needed addition. As our relationship grew, our discussion topics deepened from work to family to redemptive conversations. Although Martin is a devout Muslim, he is open to seeking truth. When we completed construction and I prepared to return to the US, I gave Martin a French Bible, which he received gratefully. With conviction that he was still lost in the error of his beliefs, I initiated a long-distance Bible study with him. Using ABWE’s evangelistic resource “The Story of Hope” as a guide, we communicated via text messages. I have visited Martin on two return trips to Togo, and our long-distance study has now progressed to discussing the deity of Jesus from John’s gospel. 

With expanded facilities, Hope Radio has been able to impact even more lives, producing biblical programming and recording Scripture in tribal languages to penetrate remote villages with the gospel. Facilities often serve as launch points for missionaries to reach their communities. Not only are missions construction and architectural design teams integral to building these types of facilities, but the construction process presents unique opportunities for sharing Christ with those with whom we work.   

Matt and Martin serve together on construction projects in Togo. Photo: Matt L.

Many missionaries and missions organizations do not know where to turn with their facility needs. This void is the impetus behind a first-of-its-kind missions conference focused on bringing together gospel-centric organizations, churches, and individuals to promote the design and construction of ministry facilities around the world. 

ABWE is excited to announce the Missions Construction Conference (MC2), which will gather from October 9-11, 2025, with three primary goals: 

  1. Edify: We will provide a forum for design- and construction-focused missions groups to collaborate and encourage one another professionally in the field of missions construction.  
  2. Equip: We will invite missions-focused individuals and organizations with construction needs who do not currently have a construction program to join us for networking and training.   
  3. Engage: We will encourage all churches, business leaders, and individuals interested in using construction in ministry to join us. 

If you are involved or interested in the vital role of missions construction in furthering gospel impact, please join us at the Missions Construction Conference.

Editor’s Note: Martin’s name has been changed for security. 

Author: Matt L. | Originally Posted at: https://abwe.org/blog/planning-and-building-for-the-kingdom/

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