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Field Updates

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Letter from Kherson

Greetings dear brothers and sisters, We thank God for life and for the opportunity to continue serving the people of Ukraine in Kherson. In times of war, it is not easy to perceive the present as something good, much less to see God’s grace in it. But as we look at...

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Visiting Missionaries on the Field

What can your church do to better support your missionary? In addition to prayer and financial support, the one thing I hear from missionaries more than any other is to visit them on the field. When was the last time you sent your pastor or another group from your...

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Counseling a Child for Salvation

“Now they were bringing even infants to him that he might touch them. And when the disciples saw it, they rebuked them. But Jesus called them to him, saying, ‘Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to...

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Opportunities to Share

I had the amazing opportunity to be a guest on a podcast a few months ago and the episode we recorded went live on Monday. I was happy to share it on my private Facebook group so that friends and supporters could listen if they wanted to. (2 (kylefarran.com)) Ever...

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Seeking Asylum in the Savior

“Follow me, and don’t be afraid,” beckoned a man encompassed in light.  Rashid startled awake, sensing that the vivid apparition in his dream had been Jesus. As a devout Muslim in a strict Islamic nation, he pondered this strange appearance until his troubled...

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Sneaking Past Watchful Dragons 

Committing a costly error, I purchased an artificial Christmas tree that was too big for my home. When I subsequently donated it to an association that uses the senior citizens center in my town for its activities, they enthusiastically received it and invited me to...

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Planning and Building for the Kingdom 

Martin, a Togolese Muslim, stands out from his neighbors for one reason—he has a good education.  In addition to his labor farming his land on the outskirts of Mango, a small city in the savannah region of northern Togo, Martin’s education affords him opportunities to...

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