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Home 9 Category: Reflections ( Page 4 )

The Case for Long-Term Missions

“Missions,” in our day, seems to be the umbrella term for an ever-expanding set of jobs, callings, ambitions, and church programs. Gone are the days when the word represented those who would set out for the field knowing it was likely a one-way trip. This type of...

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Four Ways to Reach Non-Believers this Easter

As Christians, we are all called to be evangelists and to share the good news of salvation with our family, friends and coworkers. The Easter season is the ideal time, since the resurrection is the foundation of our faith. How can you explain the meaning of Easter to...

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Opportunities to Love the Muslim Community During Ramadan

Every year for thirty days, devout Muslims around the world disrupt their normal routines with a season of heightened spiritual activity. These thirty days are marked by fasting from dawn to dusk, and they correspond with the month of Ramadan according to the Islamic...

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How Do You Choose an Unreached People Group?

Sometime in 1966, these words launched a television series that changed the science fiction world: Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new...

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Evangelistic New Year’s Resolutions

Are you like many or most of us Christ-followers—know you need to tell your friends and relatives about Jesus, but hesitate to initiate the witness? Maybe some New Year’s resolutions would help. So what if only about 46 per cent of resolution makers stick to their...

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Tim Hunsicker on Why Brick and Mortar Matter in Missions

We often claim that missions isn’t about building hospitals and schools or digging wells. But, according to architect and ministry leader Tim Hunsicker, sometimes it is. In this week’s episode, Tim explains the biblical basis for construction in missions—and how...

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God’s Perfect Will

God’s will is Totally Fitting, Totally Satisfying and Totally Fulfilling, which means that God’s Will is the very best path believers can take.

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