Crossroads Church had only been in existence for about three years and had about 35 members when Ukraine was invaded in February. Even though a number of members left Odesa for safer places, those who were left began reaching out to their community with a daily prayer service, hot meals, and food packets for the needy. They soon had more people coming than their storefront building could hold and began renting a second location. They now do evangelistic outreaches in both locations as well as taking aid and the gospel to the neighboring town of Mikolaev that his been shelled nearly every day since the beginning of the war. In addition to these evangelistic outreaches, they have been doing multiple Bible studies for those who want to go deeper, as well as youth and children’s ministries. In July, they baptized thirteen new believers and have a number of others who have accepted Christ and are currently preparing for baptism. They started out providing food for hungry stomachs and discovered that many in their area were hungry to know God!