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Home » All Locations » Nicaragua

The Spiritual Need in Nicaragua

Nicaragua is situated in Central America between the Pacific Ocean and Caribbean Sea, with Honduras forming its border to the north and Costa Rica to the south. While the beautiful, tropical environment makes it a popular tourism destination, Nicaragua is primarily an agricultural country and is among the poorest of countries in the Americas. Civil conflict and political crises point to further economic decline and continued rise of poverty and instability for its six million people.

Roman Catholicism has traditionally been the religion of the majority and holds strong political and social influence. Religious traditions—such as festivals to honor patron saints or attending Mass on holidays—are a normal and important part of Nicaraguan identity, but regular practice of Catholic faith in daily life is in decline.

Meanwhile, evangelical denominations are growing rapidly. Up to 43% of Nicaraguans express evangelical beliefs, and the opportunity to join with these believers to share the love of Jesus in creative ways throughout Nicaragua is exciting.

Christian Missions To Nicaragua

ABWE is honored to be part of the thriving movement of church planting in Nicaragua. The Institute of Church Planters (ICP) is one of the most significant church-planting training ministries within ABWE’s global ministry and has partnered with local churches to plant over 30 new Nicaraguan-led churches. Started by ABWE missionaries, the ICP is now under national directorship and has two branch schools outside Managua, the capital city. Nicaragua’s strategic location in the center of the Americas makes it ideal for reaching other Latin American countries with the gospel.

The rapid and recent growth of the church has produced many church planters, each in need of resources. There are endless ways to come alongside Nicaraguan believers and disciple makers through such avenues as church administration, theological education, business and community development, construction, leadership training and even medical ministry.

We welcome new missionaries to come alongside the ABWE team and national partners to encourage them and help establish their growing ministries.

Could God be leading you to serve him in ministry in Nicaragua?


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