The Gambia
The Spiritual Need in the Gambia
Within the 10/40 window lies The Gambia, a land taking up a little more area than the banks surrounding the Gambia River on the African continent. Over 90% of The Gambia's nearly 3 million people are Muslim. Islam influences how they act, dress, pray, and eat. Yet, these teachings are also frequently syncretized with Traditional African Religion. There are also small numbers of Roman Catholics, Protestants, and an even smaller number of evangelical believers. Evangelical believers make up less than one percent of the population. Even though the official language of The Gambia is English it is not the first language for Gambians. and evangelism done in the local heart language will strengthen the understanding of the gospel.
Evangelical Missions To Gambia
The ministry focus in The Gambia is evangelism to Muslims, with an emphasis on the unreached Wolof and Fulani people groups. Our vision is to share the gospel, plant churches, disciple followers of Christ, and prepare Gambians to become future leaders of local churches. Through the opportunities God has put before us, Wolof and Fulani Muslims have come to faith in Jesus Christ, and many others are hearing God’s word regularly. We are ministering in the platforms of adult literacy, community development, radio ministry, personal relational evangelism, guesthouse ministry, and a medical clinic partnership. A willingness to learn the language and culture is important to share the gospel and to help develop local believers into leaders.
Is the Lord leading you to learn about a new culture and ethnic group? Will you pray about the need in The Gambia? Pray not only for their salvation but that our Lord would send more laborers into this harvest field who can help respond to the growing hunger for truth. The Lord has opened many doors to serve as a missionary in the Gambia. Will you join us in introducing more people to the love of Jesus?
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