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Agricultural Development

Home 9 Opportunities 9 Agricultural Development


The Position

Serve as a coordinator for developing agricultural programs that help tribal people move from slash-and-burn farming methods to stable hillside gardens and orchards. We need people with the skills to coordinate programs that meet the felt needs of the people, strengthen the outreach of our partners in church planting, and provide opportunities for evangelism and discipleship through personal relationships.

Days might involve visiting projects, running training programs and making contact with others involved in agricultural development. Fundraising and reporting are also important in this role.

The Need

Agricultural Development is crucial in South Asia. Tribal people, whose traditional method of farming is no longer productive or legal, especially need help. Our organization operates an agricultural program to help meet those needs by providing training and assistance in developing gardens, fruit trees, ponds, coffee plantations and more. Trained national workers travel to villages to teach and check programs, but a coordinator is needed to further develop the program.

The Impact

Agricultural programs address an important, felt need in this area of the world. Agriculture training helps strengthen families and churches as it provides knowledge and experience to those working to provide for their communities. The time spent in training opens doors for relationship and ultimately, doors for the Gospel to be shared.


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