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Church Planters and Church Planting Assistants

Home 9 Opportunities 9 Church Planters and Church Planting Assistants


The Position

Church planting has been the heartbeat of ABWE missionaries in South Africa since 1980 and, though many churches have been planted and souls have been saved, there is so much yet to be done. The opportunities are unlimited and varied in their scope. From traditional to contemporary, from urban to rural, from English to traditional African languages, there is a place for any believer with Bible training and a heart for people to serve the Lord and join the church planting effort in South Africa.

The Need

South Africa is a country with profound spiritual need. From much-needed racial reconciliation, to an influx of new religions being combined with ancient superstitions and the increase of Islam, South Africa desperately needs the reconciling truth of the gospel. We are currently expanding our ministries into new areas and need help as we explore new possibilities and creative ways to reach people, especially Xhosa and Zulu South Africans living outside the larger and more developed areas.

The Impact

As Christians, Jesus has called us to go and make disciples of all nations, and we believe that process isn’t completed until these disciples are gathered into a local community of believers. Church planting is the heartbeat of evangelism, and it’s at the core of who we are at ABWE. It’s hard work, especially in a country like South Africa with such diversity. But for those called to the challenge, there is no greater reward on earth than participating in a community of believers being birthed, watching them grow in their faith and then begin to understand their own role in the Great Commission. There is much to be done – will you join us?


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