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Community Ambassadors

Home 9 Opportunities 9 Community Ambassadors


The Position

Do you enjoy initiating redemptive conversations and building redemptive relationships with those who are far from Christ? One of the first steps in church planting is Biblically and creatively engaging the community you are wanting to reach with the gospel. We need team members who are willing to be ambassadors for Christ to the Hindu or Muslim people in Trinidad.

We are seeking a diverse team of faithful men and women, including families and singles, who have a passion for taking the gospel to the Hindu or Muslim people of Trinidad as part of a church planting team. We are praying for laborers who are willing to make a long-term commitment to building redemptive relationships and planting churches where Christ is not named. Team members will seek to partner with Trinidadian churches in the church planting process, understanding that long-term impact necessitates engagement by the local churches in Trinidad. We would welcome those who are experienced in cross-cultural church planting and those who may have little experience but are willing to learn. This ministry will require prayer, determination, patience, and creativity to engage these unreached communities with the gospel.

The Need

There are an estimated 310,000 Hindus and over 83,000 Muslims in Trinidad. However, there has been little focus on taking the gospel cross-culturally and planting churches among these religious communities. Laborers are desperately needed for this harvest field.

The Impact

Hindus and Muslims are two of the most populous groups of unreached people in the 10/40 window. However, they also have a significant presence in the country of Trinidad. What if these communities had a gospel witness and God was to save many of these people in Trinidad? What if these new believers were to begin sharing the gospel with their family and friends in Trinidad and beyond? What if this was God’s plan all along? And what if God was calling you to be a part of His mission in Trinidad? The possibilities are beyond what we might imagine but not beyond God’s ability to accomplish through those who are willing to serve. Would you consider joining our Trinidad Church Planting Team and taking the gospel where Christ is not named? Romans 15:20


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