KNOW – 12 Day Missions Immersion
The Position
Are you wondering if the Lord is directing you to a career in missions among the unreached? KNOW might be just what you are looking for in the next steps of discerning your calling to a place and a people.
Individuals who join this group trip will get an in-depth understanding of multiple world religions, rich cultures of Southeast Asia and the ins and outs of missionary life. Through interactive daily activities around our city and region, groups will learn what serving cross culturally looks like in both urban and rural contexts. Additionally, teaching and debriefing sessions will be provided on topics such as understanding calling, security, major world religions, culture stress and much more!
Ideal candidates will be those who are serious about fulfilling the great commission task and interested in exploring the possibility of career missions. Candidates should have a heart for all peoples, demonstrate humility and a love of learning about cultures and religions.
The Need
Our team serves in an urban multicultural and multi-religious city. Our focus is a Muslim people group who are under Shariah Law and do not have access to the gospel and cannot attend any above ground church. There is a sizable number of national Christians in the country, however, due to a variety of racial, social and economic factors, they largely are afraid or unwilling to reach out to their Muslim neighbors and colleagues. Warm, but skeptical, our target people group requires patient, long term evangelists in their lives who are willing to take the time to know them and look for opportunities to share the hope of the Gospel.
The Impact
Visas and platforms may vary on our team, but our hearts are unified by one driving goal – to make Christ known to those who have no access and to equip and encourage national believers to do the same. In the future, our team expects to spread into multiple teams throughout the country and provide a gospel light to urban, suburban and rural regions.
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