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Liberia Medical Missions Team Trip

Home 9 Opportunities 9 Liberia Medical Missions Team Trip


Trip Description

Our medical team will be staying at the Brittains’ home in the city of Gbarnga and working with national pastors and medical care people. Each day we will travel to remote villages to hold medical clinics with missionary pastors or help at the local medical outreach clinic. A key component of each clinic is taking patient histories, which is done in partnership with bilingual nationals. After taking the histories, we will treat the patients for free. Throughout the day, the patients and others in the village will hear the gospel at least once. Nearly everyone is happy to listen. At the end of each day, we take time to debrief and pray for the next day’s activities.

Ministry Support Funds: $1,400/per participant
Airfare: Approximate cost: $1,500-$2,000
Miscellaneous Expenses: $700-$900

The Need

The country was founded with the help of the USA in the early 1800’s by freed slaves from America. It grew to become one of the most prosperous countries in Africa, but then 2 military coups and war ravaged the country for 15 years. From 1989-2003 the people of Liberia suffered through brutal conflict and spiritual devastation and is now one of the poorest nations in the world.

If not spiritually captive in animistic tribal religions, many Liberians profess to be Christian but have fallen for false teachers claiming to offer salvation through health, wealth, and prosperity. The people of Liberia are in desperate need for the healing and hope of Jesus Christ.

ABWE missionaries are partnering with nationals in this opportunity-filled mission field, combining medical outreach with church planting and discipleship. Will you join us in bringing Liberians to the Lord, in strengthening local churches, and in establishing contacts for future career missionaries?

The Impact

Use your medical skills on the mission field to heal people physically and spiritually. In our nearly 100 years of ministry, we have seen compassionate medical care soften hearts to hear the message of the Gospel, changing lives for today and eternity, but we can’t do this without you.

See if you meet our qualifications for short-term team service and are in agreement with ABWE’s Doctrinal Statement. If so, click “Apply Now” above. If you have previously applied and are interested in this trip, please contact healthcare@abwe.org and place the name of the trip in the subject line.

Meet the Team Leader

Bill and Kathy Brittain travel in and out of Liberia, bringing teams, resources, and expertise to aid the national church to reach Liberia and neighboring countries. Ministry activities presently include evangelism and church planting (most effectively accomplished through Mobile Medical Clinics), medical ministry (through the Baptist Health Clinic and the Baptist College of Missionary Physician Assistants), pastoral training, starting a Christian camp, and starting a Christian High School.


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