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Moldova Medical Missions Team Trip

Home 9 Opportunities 9 Moldova Medical Missions Team Trip


Team Description: October 17-27, 2024

Moldova is a landlocked country in Eastern Europe, the poorest nation in that area of the world. Our medical team will be staying in a guesthouse attached to a church in Falesti (100 miles north of the capital, Chisinau) and working with a national pastor/missionary. Arriving by Saturday, we will participate in the Sunday church service and then spend the rest of the day preparing the pharmacy. Monday to Friday we will hold outreach clinics where the national missionary is starting new churches. Saturday we will return to Chisinau for sightseeing and souvenir shopping. Sunday we will return home.

A key component of each clinic is taking patient histories, which is done in partnership with bilingual nationals. After taking the histories, which are given to the doctors, the history takers then present the Gospel to those who have given permission. At the end of each day, we take time to debrief and pray for the next day’s activities.

Ministry Support Funds: $1,500/per participant
Airfare: (Approximate cost: $1,000-$2,400)
Miscellaneous Expenses: $100+

The Need

The Orthodox church teaches that Evangelical Christianity is wrong, and Baptist particularly are a sect that needs to be avoided. The Atheists believe that all religion is foolish. However, those with the Orthodox background are more open generally to the Gospel. They have a respect for the Word of God, believe in sin, heaven and hell; and they know that Christ died on the cross. Moreover, many are becoming disillusioned with the Orthodox priesthood. Compassionate ministry softens hearts to hear more about salvation by faith through grace.

The national missionary is a long-time partner of ABWE, and has extensively used the medical team trips to both start and build new church ministries.

The Impact

Use your medical skills on the mission field to heal people physically and spiritually. In our nearly 90 years of ministry, we have seen compassionate medical care soften hearts to hear the message of the gospel, changing lives for today and eternity. But we can’t do this without you.

See if you meet our qualifications for short-term team service and are in agreement with ABWE’s Doctrinal Statement. If so, click “Apply Now” above. If you have previously applied and are interested in this trip, please contact healthcare@abwe.org and place the name of the trip in the subject line.

Meet the Team Leader

Over the last 25+ years, Dr. Jack Sorg has worked with national partners during these medical team trips to open doors into hearts, homes, and whole communities. He continues to lead trips to Central America, South America, Africa, Eastern Europe, and South Asia.


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