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Student & Youth Ministry

Home 9 Opportunities 9 Student & Youth Ministry


The Position

The teenage years are challenging times. If you feel God calling you to a life in missions work and you have a gift for working with youth, ABWE needs your help. As youth ministry leader, you will:

  • Have a past history of leading a successful youth ministry program, including creating and directing fun activities designed for older kids that are spiritually meaningful
  • Set an excellent example for the community, and demonstrate what a committed Christian lifestyle looks like
  • Have a strong grasp of the Bible’s teachings, and be able to relate the gospel to teens in a way that is meaningful and relevant
  • Develop close, authentic relationships with the youth in the program and their family members
  • Work with church leadership to create programs that dovetail with the lessons taught to the congregation at large, and encourage older teens to think about taking on important leadership roles within the community

The Need

Helping in what God is doing in Trinidad and Tobago doesn’t mean you need to be perfect. You simply need to be focused on others. Substance abuse, unstable families and a high crime rate have become social norms. With ABWE, you can help create an environment where spirituality occurs not only in thought but also in practice. By reaching younger nationals, we can help people make God-honoring choices and live lives worthy of Him.

The Impact

The teen years are when many adolescents in T&T are drawn into drugs, alcohol, violence and petty crime. As a youth ministry leader, you’ll be a positive influence during turbulent times and serve as a constant reminder of God’s love. If you have a gift for reaching teens, plus experience developing a successful youth ministry, the people of T&T need your help. Please prayerfully consider joining our team in Trinidad and Tobago.


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