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From the beginning, ABWE’s missionaries have been taking the good news of the gospel to the ends of the earth, in obedience to Jesus’ command: “Go and make disciples of all nations” Matthew 28:19

Our vision is to fulfill the Great Commission by multiplying leaders, churches, and missions movements among every people group.

The Joshua Project estimates that there are 7,391 unreached people groups in the world. A people group is designated ‘unreached’ when less than 2% of the population is evangelical Christian. Many of these live in hard-to-reach places where it is difficult for missionaries to enter.

Today, God is bringing some of those unreached people groups to our doorstep! The Joshua Project has determined that 32 of these unreached people groups live within the Greater Toronto Area (G.T.A.). That’s more than in any other major world city!

Let’s introduce you to some of them:

Why Toronto?

  • 53% of Toronto residents were born outside of Canada
  • Of these, about half are between the ages of 25-44 years, and over half are from Asia
  • 53% are first-generation Canadians, 27% second generation, 20% third-generation or more
  • 56% are from a visible minority
Religious make-up of the G.T.A.

It is no longer necessary to leave Canada to reach these unreached people groups.

The Strategy

We would like to form a team of 12-15 people to begin working among up to five unreached people groups in the Greater Toronto Area. Each team is made up of a field leader, church planters, and other teammates focused on building evangelistic relationships within these communities using creative platforms like teaching English and home Bible studies.

Beginning with small groups, we would like to plant thriving churches within existing Canadian churches, in partnership with FEB Central and other like-minded organizations. We would also like to equip local believers within these people groups to expand the work in Toronto, and to be sent as evangelists back to their home countries.

The Budget

Research & Survey Trips – $40,000
Envisioning & Communication – $20,000
Church Partnerships – $20,000
Startup Field Cost – $70,000
Ongoing Team Care – $20,000
Total: $170,000

Your church can help reach unreached peoples in Toronto

To accomplish all that God wants to do through the Open Toronto Initiative will require sustained, strategic partnerships between ABWE Canada and local churches who share God’s heart for unreached peoples.
You and your church can partner in 3 strategic ways:


When Jesus saw the crowds who were harassed and helpless like sheep without a shepherd, his compassion motivated an imperative:
“Pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into his harvest” Matthew 9:38


To accomplish the vision God has set before us will require a total investment of $170,000. Your financial investment will help establish a physical presence and provide the infrastructure needed to sustain pioneering missionaries in Toronto.


We are committed to helping you identify, raise up, and send missionaries. Churches that send well have the greatest gospel impact. We work alongside churches to equip individuals for a variety of engagements including Short-term teams, Long-term missionaries, and everything in between.

Together, with your support, we can reach the unreached people that God has brought to our doorstep. Pray that God would open a door to these unreached ethno-linguistic groups that until now have been behind closed doors.

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