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PACT Romania Ministry Center


Many Romanians face life without hope. They’ve grown disillusioned through broken relationships and ritualistic religion that have left them lonely, skeptical, and searching.  
The word pact refers to a promise or agreement—a commitment to a peaceful relationship.

PACT Romania is a camp ministry designed for building redemptive relationships with Romanian children, teens, and adults. While they encounter their Creator in the beauty of his creation, Romanian campers hear the gospel and are given the opportunity to experience the love of Jesus, trust him, and serve him. 

At present, the PACT Romania land is undeveloped. The 22 acres of land are currently used for tent camping and backpacking adventures, with all water carried in and meals cooked over a fire.  

By God’s grace, we have received funds to build a two-story reception building. As the first building on the property, this will provide a kitchenette and bathroom facilities for the hundreds of tent campers who attend summer camps. It will also offer a meeting room and two bedrooms designed for retreats and training events. 

PACT Romania currently needs funding for the next vital structure: a Ministry Training Center and Dormitory. This will transform PACT Romania’s ability for ministry year-round by providing indoor facilities for hosting campers. The lower level will include a full kitchen, dining hall, and meeting room for Bible teaching. The upper level will provide 12 to 15 dormitory rooms—allowing campers to sleep inside on comfortable bunks. 

By donating to the PACT Romania Ministry Center, you will help Romanians hear the gospel through camp ministries year-round.

Thank you for helping to create a place where Romanian children, youth, and adults will feel welcome and receptive to God’s work in their lives. Your generosity will have eternal impact.

The Romania Team is thankful for your involvement.

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