It has been suggested that the New Testament says more about giving to missionaries than about any other type of giving (e.g., Matthew 10:7-10; Mark 6:7-11; Luke 10:1-16; Acts 15:3; Romans 10:13-15; 15:23-24; 1 Corinthians 9:1-14; 16:6-11; 2 Corinthians 1:16; Philippians; Titus 3:13-14; 3 John).
One of the clearest examples is 3 John. In verses 5-8, John commends Gaius for his support of the traveling preachers/missionaries who have come through his region. Although Gaius’ church did not know these men personally, the church cared for them because of their mission.
In verse 8, John urges support for such workers who go out “for the sake of the name.” Those who leave their own location, with the approval of their local church, to proclaim the name of Jesus to unbelievers. It is the church’s duty to support such gospel workers “in a manner worthy of God.” It is not only the church’s duty — it is our delight because it gives us the opportunity to share in the work they are doing.
We rejoice that God is calling many workers to His harvest field, proclaiming the name of Jesus where He is not known. Now it is the church’s turn to financially support these workers.
We have several new missionaries who have been commissioned by their local churches, have been thoroughly vetted by ABWE Canada, and are actively serving in evangelism & discipleship ministries. All they are lacking is financial support as they go out and proclaim the name of Jesus.
Can we urge you and your church to support these gospel workers “in a manner worthy of God?”