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That Your Way May Be Known on Earth

Nov 15, 2024Reflections

Home » ABWE Canada Blog » Reflections » That Your Way May Be Known on Earth

Jacky and I recently attended an evangelistic concert in an Arabic church led by Z.,
our newest ABWE Canada missionary. While we could not understand the words, it
was a joy to be surrounded by hundreds of Arabic people exalting the name of Jesus.
What is happening today is an answer to the psalmist’s prayer in Psalm 67: “May
God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face to shine upon us, that your way
may be known on earth, your saving power among all nations” (vv. 1-2). We often pray
for God’s blessing, for his provision, and for his peace, especially in uncertain times.
But why do we pray for these things? The ultimate goal of all we ask from God is not
merely our own comfort or safety—it’s that his glory would be made known among
the nations.

I know many of us feel a burden for our country and the world right now. We look
at the headlines, the cultural unrest, the tensions between nations, and the grief we
experience can be overwhelming. But as believers, our hope is grounded in something
far greater than circumstances: our confidence that God’s way will be made known,
his name will be glorified, and the knowledge of Christ will reach the farthest corners
of the earth. When we remember that, our prayers take on new purpose and power.
Our ABWE teammates around the globe are zealous for this divine cause. We
believe we exist specifically to serve the local church in order to grow the global
church. Our work is not merely about sending missionaries or funding projects; it’s
about partnering with you, the body of Christ, to see the gospel reach every tribe,
tongue, and nation. It’s a humbling and awe-inspiring calling, but we know that
Christ himself is building his church. That is why we serve. He will bless us, he will
make his face to shine upon us, and he will use us so that his ways may be known—
across every land and people.

This is why I’m especially excited to introduce this new missionary issue of Message.
We are celebrating 76 new workers, including Z. & V. from Canada, who have
answered the call to serve Christ in some of the 89 countries where ABWE has an
active ministry presence. These new missionaries, alongside the churches who send
them, are part of the great work our God is doing to make his name known among
the nations.

As you read this issue of Message, be encouraged by the stories of how God is at
working relentlessly for his glory, even in a chaotic world, through his servants who
answer the call to go. And by his grace, we are privileged to participate in our God’s

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